Rates & Policies

Residential Service Rates - 5/8 or 3/4 in. meter

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
2,000 Gallons effective 08/19/2024
Usage (gal) Per 1,000 gal
2,001 – 6,000 gallons $4.25
6,001 – 8,000 gallons $10.00
8,001 – 10,000 gallons $20.00
10,001 gallons and over $30.00

Our community's water meters are read about the 25th of each month. Payment for the current month is due 15 days after the bills are posted. Late fees are charged @ 5 % of the outstanding amount ($1 minimum) if not paid by the 15th day. Please contact our office (830 262-9164 or [email protected]) for any additional information.

Water Meter Box

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